Mushroom Magic Grow Kit



The Mushroom Magic grow kit contains perfect blend of sterilized rye grain, straw, vermiculite, coco coir, gypsum, coffee and a whole lot of magic! Simply inoculate this all-in-one mushroom grow kit bag with the spore of your choice. The bag can begin to produce a colony within 2-6 weeks and continual home grown mushroom harvests for 1-1/2 to 2 months.  

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Mushroom Magic – All in One Mushroom Grow Kit

Start growing your own mushrooms at home today with the Mushroom Magic kit! For the home growers convenience, Fungi and Fungal introduces this mushroom substrate grow bag that is easier than you could have imagined. All the hard work has been taken care of so all you have to do is enjoy growing your own mushrooms. Complete instructions and tips included!

Inoculation & Colonization Period 

All you need to do is inoculate with your mushroom culture via black rubber injection port on the bag (refer to instructions for additional details). Let the bag colonize in a dark space for 2-6 weeks (for quicker growth we suggest around 75 degrees). After 2-3 weeks look for mycelium growth. Allow for the mycelium to spread throughout the rye grain covering the bottom of the bag. After the rye has solidified into a solid white mycelium, gently (being careful not to accidentally break the bag), crunch the growth and allow for the mycelium to spread throughout the entirety of the bag.

Fruiting Conditions

For fruiting, place bag upright with air patch at top of bag and keep in similar climate while alternating 12 hours of light and dark. Get ready for growth! It takes about two weeks for mushrooms to begin sprouting. Allow for mushrooms to open, and get ready to harvest. Cut the top of the bag above the air patch, pull out mushrooms that are ready, reseal using Fungi and Fungal’s clip and watch more grow!


When bag begins to look a little dry and moisture is no longer visible, add a 1/4 cup of water ( we suggest distilled but not necessary), allow for the water to seep through most of the substrate and watch your mushrooms grow again! Repeat until rye substrate is used ( about 1 1/2 months) and order your next bag!

*Spores not included

Mushroom Magic


Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6.5 × 6.75 in
Product Category

Soil & Grow Mediums

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