Ultra Oxy Pot 3 Gallon 5-Pack



The Ultra Oxy Pot is a reusable growing container that actively enhances the quality of the root systems of plants. This revolutionary approach to containerizing gardening produces fabulous, non-spiraling root systems that are impossible to develop in any other available container. Made of recycled HDPE, the Ultra Oxy Pot is cylindrical in shape with a perforated sidewall, which is textured like an egg carton. There are no flat surfaces to deflect roots and start the spiraling process. The inward pointing cones direct the root towards the hole in the outward pointing cones where the air density in the soil is too great and therefore the apical cells at the very tip of the root dehydrate, or are air-pruned. The response of the plant to this air-pruning is to send out more roots to compensate for the loss, which leads to the build up of a dense and fibrous radial root system in a dramatically short time.

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Weight 1.2 lbs
Product Category

Pots & Planting Containers


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