Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower’s Bible



Perfect for indoor and outdoor growers alike - the Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible is an all-comprehensive guide to medical growing filled with 512 pages of full-color photographs and current up-to-date knowledge on medical cultivation. Jorge Cervantes is an expert in the industry with years of experience under his belt, translating his extensive knowledge into books and articles utilized by many. This book dives deep into indoor and outdoor growing with chapters dedicated to each to each topic with informative photographs and illustrations to guide growers on their journey.

  • Author: Jorge Cervantes
  • Print Length: 512 Pages
  • ISBN-10:  187882323X ISBN-13: 978-1878823236

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Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower’s Bible by Jorge Cervantes

With 512 full-color pages and 1120 full-color photographs and illustrations, Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower’s Bible is the most complete cultivation book available. The Fifth Edition of the former Indoor Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor Bible was originally published in 1983, when it immediately became a best seller. More than 500,000 copies of the Indoor Bible are in print in Dutch, English, French, German and Spanish.

New greenhouse and outdoor growing chapters make this a book both indoor and outdoor growers will keep under thumb. The other 15 chapters (17 total) are all updated with the most current information, completely rewritten and significantly expanded. For example, Dr. John McPartland contributed an all-new medical section – The books credits list more than 300 contributors and reads like a who’s who in the world of cannabis cultivation.

About the Author:

Cervantes is a world-renowned expert on indoor, outdoor, and greenhouse cannabis cultivation. He puts more than thirty years of expert cannabis growing knowledge and hands-on experience at your fingertips with his books, articles, photographs and Youtube videos. His expert advice has guided millions of growers worldwide to apply simple, effective horticultural techniques to high-yield closet, basement, backyard, and guerrilla gardens.

Cervantes traveled to five continents and lived British Colombia, Canada, California, Oregon, Washington State in the USA and the Netherlands and Spain to research cannabis cultivation. He continues to research, publish, make videos, and draw a discussion about his favorite plant with the international community.



Weight 1.89 lbs
Dimensions 5.9 × 1 × 8.2 in
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