Aptus Dislike Pesticide – 100 Milliliter
Safeguard your plants from common pests with Aptus Dislike. This organic preventative spray, made with a blend of essential oils, repels flying, crawling, and sucking insects like spider mites, thrips, and aphids. Simply apply Dislike as a foliar spray for effective protection – use a light dosage for prevention and a stronger concentration to tackle existing infestations. 100mL per bottle makes up to 25 liters of solution.
Only 2 left in stock
Aptus Dislike Pesticide
Aptus Dislike prevents problems with flying, crawling and sucking insects that nestle on or around the plant. The preventive use of Dislike prevents problems with spider mites, thrips and aphids. Dislike contains a blend of essential oils that keep insects at a distance.
Directions for use:
- For preventative treatment, use at the rate of 4 ml per liter. Use as a foliar spray making sure to thoroughly cover the surface and underside of leaves. Shake well before use. Spray at the time of lights turning off to prevent burns.
- For present infestations, apply at the rate of 8ml per liter.
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